Religious Education

Religious Education is an integral part of our school. It is taught throughout the school from Reception to Year 6.

As a Church of England School, we follow the Southwark Diocesan Scheme of Work. In addition,  to learning about the beliefs, teachings, practices and lifestyles of Christianity, the children are taught about aspects of Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism throughout the school.

Religious Education at Christ Church School has a high profile. The school uses a robust system of assessment. All RE assessments are carried out in line with other core subjects. The subject is monitored in line with other core subjects including learning walks, book looks, data drops, and pupil conferencing. Staff training in RE occurs at least once per term and teachers report progress and attainment in RE to parents in a similar way to other core subjects.​

“Pupils say that teachers make RE fun because they engage in a range of interesting activities. They say that the only way to improve it would be to do more of it! Teachers create good opportunities for pupils to extend their thinking so that they can ask deep questions about meaning and purpose. The work being done to link RE with other subjects is a very significant strength because this underlines the way that faith and belief are not limited to a single academic area. As a result, pupils leave the school with a good foundation of Christian understanding and a developing knowledge of and real interest in other key faiths and beliefs. As a result, their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted at a high level.”  SIAM 2016

For further information on our schools RE Policies please follow links below,

RE Policy 2023 due for review February 2026

RE LTP for all year groups