
At Christ Church School, we strive for an inclusive environment which supports all pupils.  If pupils have barriers to their achievement, we aim to work with families to support pupils to overcome them.  

We have a team of staff who work alongside our Assistant Head for Inclusion, Jo Porter, to ensure that inclusion is at the heart of our school and that all staff work to support pupils in overcoming any barriers they may face.

Our Inclusion Team:

Assistant Head: Inclusion: Mrs Jo Porter

Mental Health & Well Being Lead: Mrs Louise Sutton

PSHE Lead: Mrs Michelle Gravett

Pupil Premium Lead: Mrs Weelfried Imana

EAL Lead:  Mrs Rosie Edser

Nurture Lead: Mrs Karen Jolaoso

SEND Support: Miss Kate Gray

The Willows Support Staff: Mrs Kez Mulholland and Mrs Louise Graves

EAL Support: Mrs Fiona D’Elia


Learning Mentor:

If you wish to discuss your child’s needs, please contact our Assistant Head for Inclusion and a member of the Team will get back to you.


For further information on our schools Inclusion Policies please follow links below, or email us on 

Inclusion Statement: Being reviewed 

Meeting Medical Needs Policy to be reviewed Nov 2025 

SEND CC and PN Policy to be reviewed January 2024

SEND Information Report: Being reviewed