Meet the Governors

Alan Bates

Parent Governor

My name is Alan and I am a recently elected parent governor of the Federation. My daughter in in Year 1 at the primary school and previously attended the nursery. I also have a boy in Year 6 living with me, and a 7-month-old daughter who will hopefully be attending the nursery and then primary school in a few years’ time.

I have been a governor of another London primary school for nearly 20 years, through which I have learnt a lot about how good schools can become even better, and how governors can work in partnership with the headteacher, staff and families to do that. I hope my ‘apprenticeship’ at another school helps me to better serve the Federation’s children in my new role. I work as a barrister and part-time judge and have found that my legal background is sometimes useful in helping a school’s governing board navigate legal issues. Occasionally, boards have to resolve formal disputes between the school and individual families or staff members, and it is very important to me that governors deal with such matters in a way that is impartial, diligent and fair.

I am part of the Christ Church church community across the road and my Christian faith is central to my life, but I also believe that the two schools should value equally all the families who entrust us with their children, regardless of their religious background (or none). Part of education is helping children grow up to think for themselves. I am of mixed race heritage and it matters a lot to me that the schools love every child and welcome families of all shapes and size, and work in close partnership with them regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation. So I am glad that I have been asked me to make ‘inclusion’ a specific focus of my work as a governor. Please feel free to speak to me any time about that topic or anything else: as a parent governor, I want to help the governing board listen to families’ views about how we can make the schools even better.

Graham Duncan

Foundation Governor (PCC appointed)

I am a Foundation Governor, appointed in March 2023. I am currently the link governor for Maths and am a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee.

I was born and partially raised in Pakistan until I was 18. That experience of living in more than one country means that I enjoy living in a community with people from different backgrounds and experiences of life. I retired in 2022 after 40 years in the civil service, working on issues like housing, adult social care, children’s services, housing, regeneration and the environment. I hope the skills and experience I acquired there will help me make a contribution to the life and success of Christ Church School and Purley Nursery School.

I have been a member of Christ Church Purley for 18 years, and I really value the links between the church and the school. I am currently responsible for overseeing the worship bands at Christ Church. My daughters both benefitted from education at Christ Church School (admittedly, some time ago). I have happy memories of the school, including the memory of my younger daughter excitedly skipping down Montpelier Road on her way to her first day at school. I will do what I can to make the time that children spend at Purley Nursery School and Christ Church School a similarly happy and fulfilling experience.

Lucinda Hasell

Parent Governor

I am a parent governor, appointed in July 2021. I sit on the Curriculum Committee and serve as the link governor for literacy at Christ Church School.

Amongst our committee and full governing body meetings, a particular highlight of being a governor is coming into school for our 'Great Reads Assemblies' and celebrating the reading achievements of the children.

I have a professional background in social and public policy and have previously worked widely on the issues of child internet safety and the commercialisation of childhood.

Jane Hudspith

Foundation Governor (PCC appointed)

I am a foundation governor, appointed in April 2021. I sit on the Curriculum Committee and am the link governor monitoring Early Years at both Christ Church School and Purley Nursery School.

I have children in Reception and Year 2. Professionally, I am a Senior Civil Servant working on apprenticeships at the Department for Education. Over 20 years in the civil service has given me valuable transferable skills to bring to the Purley Partnership Federation Governing Board including strategy, large team management and risk mitigation. 

My Christian faith gives me a special interest in how Christ Church School lives its Christian ethos in all it does. I am committed to supporting the staff and pupils to make both Christ Church School and Purley Nursery School the best places they can be to allow all the children to thrive and succeed.

Alison Thomson

Co-opted Governor

For most of my working career I have been in Sales & Sales Management, selling Telecommunications, Technology and Wi-fi to large corporate companies. I am a positive and motivated individual with a great deal of energy, a keen listener, and great with children (according to my 6 godchildren, my 7 siblings, my children and my nieces and nephews).

I am currently ‘retired’ from full time paid employment in order to concentrate on my charity work. I work at the local Food Bank and I act as a Befriender for Tandridge Council; I look after a 90-year-old Widow, I am also a local Keep Britain Tidy ambassador and collect litter close to my home. Helping my local community is very important to me.

I really want to be able to give back and share all the wonderful experiences’ life has given me, I’d also like to understand and help with the challenges teachers/schools and pupils come up against today. I am passionate about equal respect, equal opportunities and would like to contribute in shaping the pupils coming into the next phase of their lives, dealing with aspects of life that we simply did not have to.

I am honoured to join this Governing team and hope to be able to bring a different perspective based on my background.

Theo Turner

Joint Vice Chair Foundation Governor (SDBE appointed)

I have been a governor at Christ Church school since 2015 and have enjoyed seeing the school grow and being a part of that process. I have for a few years now been the Chair of the Health, Safety & Premises Committee, and this year I have taken on the role of Vice Chair at Purley Partnership Federation.

I am a practising Christian attending Purley Baptist Church with my wife. We live and work in the local area. As an experienced teacher myself in the private sector, I bring relevant knowledge and an outside perspective to support and challenge Christ Church School and Purley Nursery School. As a foundation governor, I feel that the Christian ethos of Christ Church School is important to maintain and develop.

Gill Visser

Foundation Governor Ex-officio

Together with my husband, Mark, we lead Grace Vineyard Church, Purley, which meets at Christ Church School. I come from South Africa where I taught primary school for many years, becoming a Deputy Head Teacher. We moved to Malawi in East Africa to start a church there and I taught at a British International School before coming to the UK. I loved teaching and am honoured and delighted to be serving both Christ Church School and Purley Nursery School in my capacity as Governor and look forward to building relationships with the staff, pupils and parents.

Ben Winstanley

Foundation Governor (PCC appointed)

I am a Foundation Governor, appointed in December 2023, and have joined the Personnel & Finance Committee.

I grew up in Oxted, went to school in Croydon, and studied modern languages at university (including a year in south-west France). I have spent the last 15 years or so as an investment banker in London, working for two large banks. This has given me financial literacy, board-level experience, and an international perspective - all of which I hope may be helpful for this role.

I am a practising Christian, and worship in central London at the church where I met my wife and where our son was baptised. When I have visited Christ Church School, it has been great to see how Christian values are lived out to serve pupils, staff, parents and the community, of all faiths and none. I have been very impressed at everything I have seen so far and look forward to contributing to the ongoing success of Purley Partnership Federation.