Christian Distinctiveness

We are a Church of England Primary School serving the community of Purley and Croydon. The work of the school is an expression of the love of God in the community. Our aim is that our values are both implicit and explicit and permeate the life of the school and the communities in which our children live.

Staff work to ensure children have opportunities to reflect on all aspects of their learning and relationships in school and beyond, enabling them to celebrate what they have achieved every day, in order that develop self-belief and self-worth and become the person that God intends them to be.

We believe that the school should provide a strong link between church and the community it serves. As a result, this will enable children to be familiar with the teachings and the environment of the church, providing children with a secure understanding of the Christian faith.

Our school provides the opportunity to be a valued part of a community that celebrates the Christian faith while being inclusive and respectful of all religions in our diverse community. We aim to develop a sense of spirituality and wonder in all children. School life is distinctively Christian within a broader spirituality, which encompasses all beliefs respected in our community.

What the children say about the School:

“This school helps children learn but makes it fun. Our School values help us make good friend choices and learn right from wrong.”

“At Christ Church, we include everyone in learning and play. We make sure no one is lift out. Collective worship time help us to reflect but also are fun.”

“This school is amazing. There is always someone I can talk to about things.”

“Collective worship helps you to reflect and feel calm. It helps you to think about right from wrong and take responsibility for your choices.”

What will my child experience?

 – Collective worship daily (assembly) – this will always be Christian in nature and will cover a wide range of different themes to capture the children’s interest.

 – Religious Education lessons which are inclusive and cover all the major world faiths.

 – Regular visits to church for end of term services, led by KS2 classes, and curriculum worship.

 – The opportunity to attend a lively Christian club which provides a time to reinforce and explore their Christianity.


Our local church link is Christ Church, Purley