School Prayers

Some of our year 6 children have been desperate to support the younger children this year but sadly COVID19 has robbed them of so many of the usual opportunities to do so.  A small group decided to record a video of them reading our school values prayer with some actions to help the younger children remember the words. They have also sung the lunch time prayer to share in case any classes aren’t familiar with it yet. It would be really special if other children in the school could learn the words to the prayer and the actions to go with it.  This will probably take some time and some repetition over a number of days.

School Values Prayer Video:

 School Values Prayer words

Dear Lord,

Please help us to truly live out our school values wherever we go.

Help us to show courage in difficult times; to forgive those who hurt us;

Have faith that you know best for us; be honest even when it’s hard,

And most of all show the love we have for others with our words and our actions.



Lunchtime Grace Song Video:

Lunchtime Grace Song words

Thank you Lord for giving us food,

Thank you Lord for giving us food,

Thank you Lord for giving us food,

Right where we are,

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Right where we are,
